It seems like everyone is jumping on the bandwagon to blame bush for our economic problems. Everyone sees Clinton as the one who "balanced the budget". Unfortunately, what happens while a President is in office is usually not what he did, but what the Presidents before him did.
The decline in the economy started when Clinton was in office. A great article can be found at:
So, what has been getting us out of the slump? The changes in tax policies and low interest rates. People blame Bush and his tax cuts for the current state of the economy, but those tax cuts are what is pulling us out. It is also a long term plan. It will be much better in a couple years from now.
What do I think hammered the last nail into the economic coffin? Gas prices. Things didn't get too bad until gas prices raised so dramatically. The cost of everything went up because it cost more to transport it. It cost more for workers to get to work. Businesses had to pay more to ship things and pay more to buy things. People lost trucking jobs because companies had to downsize to stay competitive. Truckers and delivery people saw salary decreases. It effected us globally. If a tax break is needed- it should be applied to gas.