A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on September 7, 2007 By KarmaGirl In Blogging

OK, so this is a rant.  It won't be written well, and it might not even make sense.  It may also have swear words and objectionable text.  So, if you are sensitive, quit reading and go about your happy little fluffy day.

Today, Draginol posted about a Mom who chose to put her family's life at risk (ultimately killing two of them) rather than wait for a train to go by: http://draginol.joeuser.com/index.asp?AID=162120

That was the last straw for my current mood. People suck.  They suck for so many reasons that I'm not even sure where to start.

OK, my daughter and I volunteer at a farm sanctuary.  The more I am there, the more I learn how unethical and crappy people can really be to animals.  And before some "Christian" chimes in with their "humans have dominion over animals!" BS, you can stop right there and kiss my shiny white ass.  Take that book and shove it where the sun don't shine, because it's just an excuse to make it "OK" to eat whatever in hell you want, including bologna for dinner every night (don't even get me started...)

So, back to the sanctuary- there is a baby Pygmy goat there.  It's not even weened and has to be hand fed a bottle.  Why?  Is his mother dead (well, by now she is).  Some bastard "farmer" decided that it would take too long to wait until the lamb was weened, so he took them both to auctioned.  Since the lamb was so small, he was thrown in with a bunch of other non-ideal animals to be sold basically as scrap.  I mean, how the hell can anyone justify the terror and wastefulness of that?  So, he would have turned into dog food if somebody wouldn't have saved him.  I mean, what the hell?  People suck.

People can be so stupid when it comes to food.  I mean, there is a cow at this farm that literally escaped the slaughterhouse.  He was quarantined when he got to the farm.  Why?  Because the health department forced them to do it.  Why?  Because by the time a cow gets to the slaughter floor, they are considered to diseased to live.  Great, folks.  Not are we unethical, but we're killing ourselves in the process.

So, we shove too many animals into a trailer and transport them with no food or water and not much protection from the elements.  We then heard them into holding areas using whatever means needed, then mass slaughter them.  So much goes through the processing plants that inspectors barely even bother now.  Got to keep production up!  (Have to make the bologna for the inmates!)  Then we wonder why Americans are fat and unhealthy.  People suck.

What is it with people and garbage?  There is always junk in my yard from people tossing it out the window as they drive.  This morning, a guy in a truck pulled out in front of me (I'll get to crappy drivers in a minute).  Great thing was- he had an open bag of garbage on the up of his truck that was falling out all over the place while he was driving.  I had to slow down and dodge the crap as it was falling off, but that was after a corn cob smacked the front of my car (luckily, it didn't do damage or I may have completely lost it this morning).  So, I get to the stop sign, and I'm beside him- windows down.  I say to him: "Hey, you dropped crap all over the road."  He says: "Yeah, so?" I say: "Some of it hit my car."  He says: "You got money, deal with it!" and drives away.  I yell: "Asshole!"  What the hell does having money (which I really don't- the car I was driving is a company car) have to do with spewing trash?  Asshole.  That dude sucks.

Smokers, the world is not your ashtray!  I am so sick of smokers flicking their still burning cigarettes out the window.  There were 3 grass fires that I got stuck in traffic getting around this summer, and I can guarantee they were all from careless smokers.  Hey, idiot, if the grass is dried out from drought and you flick a burning object onto it, what the hell do you think is going to happen?  Get your head out of your ass and pay attention to the rest of the world.  God damn, people suck.

And, now I am back to where I started- people doing stupid things in cars.  Stupid lady (article quoted in the beginning) killed her two daughters by being a complete moron.  Come on people- is anything so important that you should risk your life to get to it quicker?  People do it everyday.  They speed like crazy, they cut others off, they run red lights, block other drivers, you name it, just so they can get someplace a couple minutes faster.  Who cares if they cause an accident or run somebody off the road?  They don't.  All they care about is the all mighty "me".  sucky, sucky, people!

And, then there are people who suck in ways that I couldn't even imagine.  Man, I can't even watch the news anymore.  I've become numb to the senseless violence that happens in Detroit each day, but I get really angry over the current suck ass things these low lifes are doing- stealing copper from wherever they can.  First it started with abandoned homes, then it moved to utility lines (like phone lines) then they started pulling wires out of vacant homes (like those up for sale) now they are ripping apart COMMERCIAL a/c units.  So, for the few hundred bucks they score in copper, the business owner (or their insurance) has to pay $5,000+ to get a/c back.  In the mean time, depending on the business, they could lose so much that they go out of business.  Sucky low life assholes......

I keep trying to surround myself with "good" people.  But, man, I think we're out numbered.  People just suck. 


Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 16, 2007

However, the only true friend I had over the past thirteen years was my dog--alas, he's gone now.

That reminds me of a great bumper sticker I saw: The more I get to know people, the more I like my dog.

on Sep 16, 2007

The more I get to know people, the more I like my dog.
Right on target.

Thanks much, doc.

on Sep 16, 2007

The more I get to know people, the more I like my dog.
Right on target.

Thanks much, doc.

Amen Karma. And good luck StevenDedalus.
on Sep 16, 2007

Thanks again


on Sep 17, 2007

PS I'm a Christian and don't have any idea how people get the idea that the Bible gives them the right to be cruel to animals...

It's taking this too far, is what it is:

Genesis i: 26, 28-

26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female image, created he them."

28 "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."

People take "dominion over animals" as in "use animals as you want to".  I translate dominion into "guardian", however, and that we should care for the animals of the Earth, not torture and slaughter them for senseless reasons.  But, hey, I'm also not Christian, so I probably have a different take on the Bible in general.

on Sep 20, 2007
My family are animal lovers and it saddens us that many people in Egypt neglect their animals so badly. Many of these people are "holier than thou" yet force horses and donkeys to pull loads that are way too heavy. Many horses and donkeys are given no water in our hot summer but are whipped relentlessly when they struggle to pull a heavy cart. I could go on but it makes me too sad to think of it. People suck for sure.
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