A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
my yearly rant
Published on November 18, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Current Events

Last year I wrote an article about why Christmas drives me insane.  It can be found at: http://karmagirl.joeuser.com/index.asp?aid=608

Well, guess what?  This year is even worse.  The stores are absolutely packed with Christmas stuff.  People are now following the stores and are already decorating.  There is even a local radio station that is playing Christmas music 24/7 (they used to start this the day after Thanksgiving, but changed it this year).


Being that I am not religious, but I am American, I believe that Thanksgiving is an important holiday.  It is a holiday that we give thanks for many things, many of which were made possible because of the wonderful country that we live in.  But, for some reason, we are accepting the over commercialization of Christmas taking up Thanksgiving's real estate.  Where are the Thanksgiving decorations that used to adorn the stores?  Why is Thanksgiving now given less shelf space than Valentines day?  What is wrong with this world?

To top it off, my community changed their "Christmas in the village" date.  It was usually the last Saturday of November.  Well, they have a night time parade the night before (we'll save how stupid that is for a different article) which involves the school children (yes, small children parading at night was a brilliant idea to begin with....)  Anyway, since the last Saturday is the Saturday after Thanksgiving, they figured that the attendance would be down, so they moved it.  They didn't move it into December so that it was actually close to Christmas.  NO!  That would make sense!  They moved it to this weekend- the weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving!

Each year just seems to get worse and worse.......

When it gets closer to Christmas I'll start the debate over "Christmas: Christian or Pagan?  And, why do we decorate a tree?"  That should be fun, right? LOL

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Nov 28, 2004
I've seen far too many overweight older gentlemen wearing very little clothing to be shocked by this sort of thing. And its not what you think either. I live close to one of Sydney's most popular beaches and unfortunately, living where I do, this sort of sight becomes fairly common place.
on Nov 28, 2004
2 Pages1 2