A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on June 12, 2006 By KarmaGirl In Misc

In the article by Cordelia: https://forums.joeuser.com/Forums.aspx?ForumID=17&AID=120476  she "tagged" me.  Which, I guess, means I have to write embarrassing tales of my youth.  I have so many to choose from....

I'm having a hard time distinguishing between "embarrassing" and simply "stupid", so I'll just write down 5 things that pop into my mind:

1) When I was fairly young (not sure what age, but in elementary school).  My parents installed a nice shiny chandelier in our stair way.  At the same time, I became obsessed with yo-yos.  I had several...well, at least until that day.  I decided that it would be cool to stand in the center of my room and see how far the yo-yo would twirl over my head.  Unfortunately, I lost grip and it zinged out of my room and wrapped itself around the new chandelier breaking it into a million pieces.  I'm not sure if that is pure talent or simply pure stupidity...

2) We had this kid named "Buddha" on our bus.  He hated everyone and was twice the size he should have been for his age.  He was also two years older than he should have been for his grade, but that's a whole different story.  Well, the bus driver was always having issues with him.  One day he was trying to get Buddha to the front of the bus to sit down, but Buddha wouldn't move from the isle.  Finally, my sister, in all her childhood wisdom, decided to push him (or something) then sit back down.  Well, Buddha got mad, turned around, saw me, and punched me in the face.  I bled, I cried, and I got laughed at.  I also had to try and explain how it happened, and *nobody* (except my sister) believed me.

3) You know how when you are young you get so proud of new clothes or shoes?  Well, I can remember getting this pair of really cool shoes.  I thought they were so cool that I wouldn't wear boots.....in the middle of winter...in Michigan.  Well, as I was strutting by this bus that contained the object of my affection, I slipped on a large spot of ice, flew 30 ft in the air (at least it felt like it) and fell keenly, directly, and hardily on my boney little ass.  This caused great laughter from all the surrounding bus loads of kids.  It also caused a hole to be formed in the butt of my jeans, and my face to turn bright red.  My ass was bruised for weeks after that....

4) I had this friend, who was a boy, for all of my childhood.  Have no idea where he is now, but if he reads this, he'll know exactly who I am.  We were in 3rd grade.  Due to our las names, and the insistent alphabetical seating that the teachers always had, I sat right by him.  Well, one day we were working on some project at our desks.  He dropped his pencil, I got down on the floor to get it to hand up to him.  Well, I hit my head as I was "handing" it too him and ended up a bit off with my aim.  Instead of the pencil landing in his hand, it got stabbed firmly, lead side first, into his "goods".  He jumped- pencil still stuck, and ran screaming out into the hall, leaving me to try and explain what I did to the teacher.  I have a feeling that he still hasn't forgiven me....

5) When you were in elementary school, were you forced to climb a rope?  I was.  Of course, if you weren't, I may have been a reason why they were banned.  Well, I was about in 4th grade I would say.  We were having "races" to get to the top first.  I was small and light and was able to climb really fast.  Unfortunately, I was also very clumsy.  Ever wonder why those pads are under things like that?  I found out.  I got to the top, lost my grip, and half slid/half fell the whole length down.  I ended up with rope burn on my hands and legs, and ended up falling flat on my back.  It was great.  On the plus side- I did win the race.....

Ok...so I guess I have to tag 3 other people-

I choose JillUser, LW, and Dharma!

Tag!  you're it!

on Jun 12, 2006

I'm tagged!?!  Kewl!

on Jun 12, 2006
You are right, #2 is not embarassing, just cruel on Buddha's part.
on Jun 12, 2006

I choose JillUser, LW, and Dharma!

Fuck, I forgot that you got tagged and I tagged you at the end of my article. I'll have to go edit that now....
on Jun 12, 2006
As soon as I saw that you got tagged I somehow figured you'd tag me. This will take some thinkin'.
on Jun 12, 2006

[insert evil grin here]

That was awesome Karma, thanks for sharing.

on Jun 12, 2006

[insert evil grin here]

I think your halo got a little bent.

on Jun 12, 2006
hahahaha! Oh my gosh, story # 4 made me laugh out loud. that poor kid...ouch!
on Jun 13, 2006

hahahaha! Oh my gosh, story # 4 made me laugh out loud. that poor kid...ouch!

Yeah, I still feel a little bad for that, !