I don't like welfare in it's current state, but that is not the thrust of this article. It is the fact that people, in general, have no drive to "do something better" with their life. They take life as it comes and make excuses why it's not better.
One of my biggest issues is SSD. Social Security Disability benefits. The basis of it is a good one, but the laws that deem what a "disability" is are very flawed. At the very crux of it, it basically says that if you have a "disability" that last long term and will cause you to make less money that before the disability then you can receive benefits. So, you get sick, you lose your job, and can't find one that pays quite as much. You can work, but can't make *as* much, therefore you can draw SSD.
Why do I have an issue with that? Because people use it as an excuse. Just because a doctor labels you disabled doesn't mean that you are. The only person who can let that happen is yourself. You are the only one who can decide you *can't* work. Obviously, people who are paraplegics and quadriplegics are a different story. But, those people have a more obvious affliction. But, read all the categories of what can be considered a "disability" on Social Security site. It's not just obvious physical issues, it's just about everything. I especially love the ones like obesity.
People make it a way of life and then make excuses for why they haven't been more successful or why they don't have a higher standard of life.