A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
How it can change your life
Published on November 19, 2003 By KarmaGirl In Home & Family
This week has just not been going well. My daughter had a cold, which then got worse and then she got an ear infection. By Sunday night, it was obvious that I would need to stay home and take her to the doctor, which I did. Luckily, she is now feeling better.

Tuesday the power was out at the office. I stuck around (well, at least in the area) until about 12:30pm then gave up and left. So, that made 2 days of being behind on work.

Today there was some hiccup with the co-lo servers and I couldn't get to the database foe quite some time, which put me even further back.

Now my brain is fried from trying to catch up. It's a Wednesday that feels like a Monday....that just can't be good....
on Nov 19, 2003
Mmmm. Fried brain.
on Nov 27, 2003
"Now my brain is fried from trying to catch up. It's a Wednesday that feels like a Monday....that just can't be good...."

I have the perfect cure for that, down an entire bottle of cough syrup. (If you happen to actually decide to do this *please* make sure that the only active ingredient is dextromethorphan hydrobromide).