A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
yes, this is a disconnected rant....
Published on May 19, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Blogging


After reading all these articles about the government needs to do this or that.  The government isn't representing "me".  The government is evil, etc.  I just can't believe that everyone expects the government to be everything.  This country must be the most unfair, awful place to live in.

Of course, people rather just whine about things being "unfair" than actually *do* something to help themselves.  Instead, they want the government to solve all their problems.  But, they expect the government to be all things.  Provide health care and make drug companies provide drugs without making a profit, Protect us from our enemies but don't fight a war.  Uphold peace with other nations but then try and force our ideals on them or tell them that they are doing "illegal" things with their lands.  Get us cheap oil, but make sure it comes from a different country. Reduce the emissions standards in vehicles but force the corporations to burden the costs then bitch because cars cost too much and use more fuel.  Feed our starving but only tax those rich bastards who can afford it.  Cost of living is too high, so raise wages each time it raises again.  Force corporations to pay $8+ an hour to have a high schooler answer the phone because somebody somewhere is not getting a "fair" wage.  (I could keep going but it is making my brain hurt.............)

Where does it stop?  The government is here to protect us and give us a fair chance.  It's not here to make life "fair" for everyone. 

As I wrote someplace else on JU:
Has anyone ever really thought about how difficult it is to govern the US?  There is no other nation that has to govern a country like ours.  Each state could be its own country.  Each state has its own laws (as well as county laws) as well as federal law.  The people who live in California live a much different life and have different ideals and needs than those in Alaska.  Is it really possible for the government to make everyone happy and meet everyone's ideals?  Or, is it the best they can do to meet the wants and ideals of the majority?


Comments (Page 1)
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on May 19, 2004

Amen, sister, amen.

Shit happens.  This isn't Utopia.  There will always be someone who is better off than you, has more than you, gets more than you.  That's just the way things are.

The government can't do everything for people.  There has to be some personal responsibility in there somewhere.  Again, you can choose to sit on your haunches and bitch about how things are unfair, or you can do something to try and improve your lot in life and thereby level your perceived playing field a little.  The government can hand you the tools to make yourself better; it's up to you to utilize them.

I would go on, but what I have to say wouldn't be very nice and would end up being directed at people personally.  This isn't the place to do that.

on May 19, 2004
On the other hand, just as annoying are those who loudly trumpet their country's government 'progress'. I agree with you Karma, but feel that it goes both ways.
Or, is it the best they can do to meet the wants and ideals of the majority?

The fact that you can't please everyone one, does mean that others get left out. There's nothing wrong with wanting to change, but I believe that action must come from people, and yelling the loudest should not be seen as actually 'acting for change'. Walk it, not just talk it.
on May 19, 2004

I believe that action must come from people, and yelling the loudest should not be seen as actually 'acting for change'. Walk it, not just talk it.


on May 19, 2004


On the other hand, just as annoying are those who loudly trumpet their country's government 'progress'. I agree with you Karma, but feel that it goes both ways.

It's true.  But, there are also people like me that sit somewhere in the middle and pick the most important battles first.  I don't think we are necessarily making progress, but we aren't going down the tubes either.  Things have just changed with the times.

There are things that I don't agree with, but when picking my battles I start locally with the things that will directly effect me (like my daughter's school, millage proposals, etc.)  Then I decide what is most important and try and fix one thing at a time.  When people just cry about everything that is unfair, they really just make noise.  They don't *do" anything but complain.  How many times do you a post of "I am on the committee for...."  Or, "I am trying to raise funds for...."  Or "Join my on xx/xx/2004 when we will do....."  No, instead you just hear people complain.......and complain about everything.

Life will always be unfair to somebody........

Walk it, not just talk it.

Amen to that!

on May 19, 2004
I may not particularly agree with you, though your thrust has merit; but more importantly is your tone that needs mellowing.
on May 20, 2004
Why would my tone need mellowing?  It's a rant.  Do you not understand what a rant is?  This is also my blog, remember?  If I have a beef with something, then why shouldn't I air it?  So, I'm sick of everyone whining all the time and never *doing* anything.  Why should I "mellow" my tone on that?  If this was a rant about some "inequality", you would be jumping in here to fuel the flames.  But, since it is a rant about whining people who *do* nothing, you say that my tone needs mellowing.  Nice.
on May 20, 2004
I work hard. left school early to help out my mum and worked my way up to assistant manager of a resort from scrubbing toilets.

Sponsor children in third world countries.

Support 9 local charities and 4 national ones.

Am on the commitee of the surf life saving club and little athletics ( where I pay for a family of 3 talented young athletes who's family couldn't afford it.

Am involved in youth programs.

Volunteer for street angels.

Is that the kind of trumpet blowing you want ...am i allowed to whinge now?

on May 20, 2004
BTW none of these things effect me or mine ...except for work

Can you say the same?
on May 20, 2004

Jess, I think that you are missing the point.  What I am saying is that I am sick of people just whining about everything because it's not "fair" or not how *they* want it, but yet they don't do anything but bitch about it.

Do you see me on here complaining about some inequality in my life?  No.  Because I don't.  If I did see an inequality, I would be *doing* what I can to change it.  Just like everyone else, I run into things that I don't like or that aren't "fair" to me, but I don't just sit around whining about it expecting somebody else to fix my issues.  I also am quite aware that you have to pick your battles and realize that there will be things that you will never be able to change

Charity is great for people who can afford it.  People give back to society in all sorts of ways.  I'm not going to post what I donate to because it serves no purpose.  My rant is about people who just complain but actually do nothing.  They just want somebody else to fix it for them.

on May 20, 2004
Yea but there are probably lots of people who do stuff just don't blow there own trumpet

Its not something I normally do either ..just pointing out ..that because Joeusers dont post it ..doesn't mean they dont do it.

on May 20, 2004

I think I have a genetic pre-disposition to not liking lamers.

What is a lamer? A lamer is someone who bitches and moans about how unfair life is and how things need to be fixed...but not by them. They think their whining IS the contribution.

If my car's tire is flat you have 3 options: 1) Change it yourself. 2) Ask or pay for someone else to change it for you. 3) Sit there and complain about your tire being flat.

Options 1 and 2 involve some sort of ACTION. Option 3 is just pointless whining.


on May 20, 2004

What is a lamer? A lamer is someone who bitches and moans about how unfair life is and how things need to be fixed...but not by them. They think their whining IS the contribution.


on May 20, 2004
Were those who spoke out agaisnt genocide in Rwanda, Cambodia, Germany, etc. lamers? What about the people who have spoken about agaisnt the actions of PFC England in Iraq? How about Ghandi? Martin Luther King?

Hard problems can't be solved by just one person working alone. What can you do to get people to work with you, besides speak (whine)?
on May 20, 2004

How about Ghandi? Martin Luther King?

Sorry, they actually walked the walk.  They didn't just sit in their comfy home and complain. I think you may be missing the point.

on May 20, 2004
You're right. I don't get it. Especially in the case of Martin Luther King, who spoke out agaisnt those who were taking (radical) action, doing more than just speaking, and trying to change people's attitudes. This isn't to say that he didn't advocate any action, but his impact came from the advocation, and not the action

What did Martin Luther King do? He spoke out agaisnt (whined about?) Rosa Park's treatment, and a boycott was established. Following that, he went on the lecture circuit, and spoke (whined?) about broader injustices. He worked with the Southern Christiann Leadership Conference, where people gathered to speak (whine?). If he could have reached millions of people by writing on the internet, instead of having to travel around the country, speaking to hundreds of people at a time, do you think he would have done that? Would he then just be another person who "sit[s] in their confy home and complain[s]"? What, exactly, is the problem with that? Are writers who have moved millions of people and changed the course of history whiners? Is all they're doing sitting in their comfy houses and complaining?
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