A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on June 3, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Misc

Now, I am going to be perfectly honest, I'm a bit freaked out about this.  Driving an SUV?  How could this happen?

Well, it's a long story.  My Mom has always driven Jeep Cherokees.  The one that she had was 10 years old and falling apart.  My parents drive 4 wheel drives so that they can get up their insanely steep driveway.  Since my parents are retired and watch my daughter while I'm at work, we bought my Mom a Jeep Liberty to replace her rusting car.

So, how did it come to te point that I would drive it?  Well, the other night, my Dad came knocking on my door.  He seemed concerned. He said that my Mom had concerns about climbing into the Jeep after her surgery and wondered if he could trade the Jeep for my lower Monte Carlo.  So, of course, I could not turn him down, and we switched keys.

So, this morning, it sat in my garage mocking me.  It looked like it was saying: "if you really want to go to work today, you're going to have to drive me!"  So, I climbed up into the odd feeling little machine and started on my way into work.  The ride was strange.  The suspension bounces you around like you are bouncing on a couch.  It sits up high looking down at those mere "cars", and I swear you can hear the sucking sound of gas as driving down the expressway at 70 mph.  I tried to get away, but my seatbelt was too tight.  I had no choice but to continue on to work.

Will there be more to this story?  I think so.  The SUV has asked me to meet it after work in the parking lot.  I feel a little queasy about the whole idea, but I might just have to drive it home.  We'll just have to see.....

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 03, 2004

like you are bouncing on a couch

this analogy does not compute... I can only think of one thing that would cause me to bounce on a couch... and it requires two people...

on Jun 03, 2004
As a car driver, I'm 'anti-SUV' myself. I've driven trucks, vans, and SUVs, but always feel more in control when I'm lower to the ground.

Please, whatever you do, don't learn to love it and become another overly confident (steriotype) big guy on the roads, leaving the rest of us little guys behind!!!

Come to think of it, I think I hear the Jeep mocking you right now. Hate it, hate it...
on Jun 03, 2004
Personally I prefer vehicles that sit a little higher up, but that's mostly because of my bad back. It's easier for me to get in and out of them.

I own a small SUV, a Geo Tracker. Good on gas, not a huge monster,but sits higher up than the average car so it works for me. Besides, I like the convertable top.
on Jun 03, 2004
Hmm, I never really considered a Liberty an SUV per se, but more along the lines of a grown up Wrangler. Actually, I kind of like the Liberty because it's not as big as say a Suburban, but it's not a small truck either. I think people knock SUVs a little too much. I'm fully aware that 9 out of 10 people buy them for status or a penis envy type of thing, but they're actually quite useful if you have a regular purpose for one.

-- B
on Jun 03, 2004

quite useful if you have a regular purpose for one.

most people don't though.  You see a lot of 2 wheel drive, so they aren't using them for climbing hills (rear wheel drive is worse for that than front wheel drive) or for driving in the snow.  You also see a lot of them with no trailer hitch, so you know they aren't towing anything with them.

I don't like SUV's because they suck gas like crazy.  I think I will use almost 1/2 a tank of gas just getting to work and back home. 

It's fine for my Mom, though.  She puts less than 100,000 miles on a car in 10 years.  She also needs 4 wheel drive to get up her drive way in the winter.  I couldn't afford to drive that thing back and forth to work even if I wanted to.

But, that is why people should buy cars for what they need, not only because that's what they want.

on Jun 03, 2004
But, that is why people should buy cars for what they need, not only because that's what they want.

Yeah, I agree here. Unless it's something like a sports car (which is a frivolous car to own) I think decisions in car buying should lean towards utility. Something like a Liberty would work well for me...I have two kids and my car (a 79 Honda Civic) is about as big as a Chicklet. My wife has a Ford Escort, but that's even feeling cramped. Then there's the times where having a truck-like car would be helpful for hauling stuff. I'm not saying that you should sacrifice personal desire for utility, but there's a lot of decent and nice looking cars out there to fit people's needs better than an SUV.

-- B
on Jun 03, 2004
But, that is why people should buy cars for what they need, not only because that's what they want.

Thank you for that. I always feel like I need to defend our SUV. Ya know, Minnesota winters, heck, even the summers sometimes, and towing boats, snowmobiles, and fish houses. Camping trips and hauling stuff.

But for day-to-day commuting to work we always take the smaller more economical car. Depending on the weather. I feel so much safer with the four-wheel drive when there's a foot of snow and ice on the road.
on Jun 03, 2004

feel so much safer with the four-wheel drive when there's a foot of snow and ice on the road.

Well, you shouldn't.  I've had 2 accidents in SUV's, both when I was in 4-wheel drive.  We rolled one, and I hit an semi-head on in the other...both on ice/snow, both in South Dakota.  SUV's give folks a false sense of security.

Sorry to rain on your parade....

on Jun 03, 2004
Isn't it funny that whenever there's a snow or ice storm the first vehicles you see in the ditches are SUVs?
on Jun 03, 2004
The only time I've ever had a a problem was in the smaller economy cars. I don't feel my security is false. And I never had a parade anyway. So let it rain. Should've known better than to post a positive SUV comment...doh!

Sorry, it won't happen again!
on Jun 03, 2004
SUVs are just too big for me. I've only been in two car accidents in my life and both were in my father's SUV. The first time he told me to take it because there was snow and his car was "safer." Yup, much safer, right up until the point that it spun out of control and slammed into a tree (I probably shouldn't mention that I was actually in my parent's driveway, returning home and going 5mph when this unfortunate black ice incident nearly totalled his car!). I'm quite content driving my low-to-the-ground Honda Civic now!

Karma, I find it sweet that the SUV liked you and asked you for a second date.
on Jun 03, 2004

I find it sweet that the SUV liked you and asked you for a second date.

Yeah, I think I will take the offer, too.  I'm not sure how else I'll get home

on Jun 03, 2004

Where can I find one of these talking cars, and if possible, have it have a sexy feminine voice instead?

Seriously though, an SUV would be the worst vehicle for me. I like petite cars in which I have ultimate control and feel fused with the car. I don't even like driving my mother's truck. The bright side about an SUV though is that you won't have to worry about another SUV annihilating your car!

on Jun 03, 2004

The bright side about an SUV though is that you won't have to worry about another SUV annihilating your car!

Yes, that's the only thing that saved me, actually.  My Jeep sat higher than a car, and took the impact better.  Had I been in a car I'd have been killed instantly....but then again, had I been driving a car the accident probably wouldn't have happened.

Xtine, I understand why you'd feel safer in an SUV than in an economy car.  I'm juat saying that they're not as safe as people believe them to bed, especially in poor weather.

on Jun 03, 2004
I thought of purchasing a jeep Liberty for my mother but decided against it because it felt too tipsy at cruise. Personally, just stick with a car for simplicities sake. Repairing ABS and maintenance on new 4X4's transmissions is not fun.

Make a difference - drive something old!
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