A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on June 3, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Misc

Now, I am going to be perfectly honest, I'm a bit freaked out about this.  Driving an SUV?  How could this happen?

Well, it's a long story.  My Mom has always driven Jeep Cherokees.  The one that she had was 10 years old and falling apart.  My parents drive 4 wheel drives so that they can get up their insanely steep driveway.  Since my parents are retired and watch my daughter while I'm at work, we bought my Mom a Jeep Liberty to replace her rusting car.

So, how did it come to te point that I would drive it?  Well, the other night, my Dad came knocking on my door.  He seemed concerned. He said that my Mom had concerns about climbing into the Jeep after her surgery and wondered if he could trade the Jeep for my lower Monte Carlo.  So, of course, I could not turn him down, and we switched keys.

So, this morning, it sat in my garage mocking me.  It looked like it was saying: "if you really want to go to work today, you're going to have to drive me!"  So, I climbed up into the odd feeling little machine and started on my way into work.  The ride was strange.  The suspension bounces you around like you are bouncing on a couch.  It sits up high looking down at those mere "cars", and I swear you can hear the sucking sound of gas as driving down the expressway at 70 mph.  I tried to get away, but my seatbelt was too tight.  I had no choice but to continue on to work.

Will there be more to this story?  I think so.  The SUV has asked me to meet it after work in the parking lot.  I feel a little queasy about the whole idea, but I might just have to drive it home.  We'll just have to see.....

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 03, 2004
The bright side about an SUV though is that you won't have to worry about another SUV annihilating your car!

That's why I ordered a tank from the Army surplus store. Should be here next week.
on Jun 03, 2004
Cool! What's the mileage on that?
on Jun 03, 2004
I won't deny it, I love driving big old SUVs. I love riding nice and high above the road, being able to see a little better. And I admit to liking the feeling of a big, spacious vehicle.

Of course, I wouldn't want to drive one every day. For that I will stick to one of our normal sized cars.

As far as the safety thing, I think part (not all) of the problem is that people feel too safe driving SUVs, so they don't drive as carefully as they ought to. Not always, but often. When driven properly I do believe that they can be more safe than regular cars, but it requires a certain type of driving, a different type then when driving a car.
on Jun 03, 2004
SUV's kill, be very careful. They are their own, they have their own mentality, their own cliques, they have their own lifestyle. They are vicious. And you turned one on your own family. You are a sick, sick, person. Get a Yugo, quick.
on Jun 03, 2004

Get a Yugo, quick.

Obviously you didn't hear about the Yugo that took that girl over the Mackinac Bridge?  " In 1989, a tragic accident captured the front pages of state newspapers. Leslie Pluhar's 1987 Yugo, a small car, plunged from the bridge more than 150 feet to the straits below. It was the first vehicle to fall off the five-mile span since it opened." 

Now, it sounds like the Yugo is the killer car here, voodoo.


on Jun 03, 2004
Did I say Yugo, I meant Festiva. Sorry.
on Jun 04, 2004

Did I say Yugo, I meant Festiva. Sorry.

A Festiva would be better

Or- just don't drive over bridges.....

on Jun 04, 2004
Karma: How did the drive home go?
on Jun 04, 2004
Changed my mind about the tank. Buying a horse and buggy instead. Just learned oats are cheaper than gas or diesel
on Jun 04, 2004

Personally I prefer vehicles that sit a little higher up, but that's mostly because of my bad back. It's easier for me to get in and out of them.

You like being above everyone else on the road? Scour the country for a '32 La Salle!--like climbing Mt. Everest. 

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