A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on June 6, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Misc

Dear Bob the psycho VW Freak,

I have deleted the article about putting a Karmann Ghia on a custom chassis.  Now, go away.  You need professional help.  I am glad that you think that I am going to hell for ripping up a classic VW.

I am glad that you got your kicks out of posting as me on car sites.  That was a nice touch.  Though, I am a bit scared that you read all my articles and pulled out so much information about me.  I think I have learned that there are too many wackos in the world to post anymore "personal" info.  But, you really didn't harm my "name" (KarmaGirl) since it is already used by a teenaged lesbian.

So, please just go away.  If you want to believe that you "won" this war that you created in your head, so be it.  I saw on the Samba that somebody was parting out a VW.....quick!  Run there and save it before it's too late!  LOL

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 06, 2004
Jeez. I am a fan of VW but that's just too much. If someone wants to use a split oval vw in junkyard battle go on and have fun!!

(split oval window vws is made in very early years and are very rare)

I believe that owners can do anything to anything they owns.
on Jun 06, 2004

Yeah, well Bob doesn't think so!  .  I started noticing that my email address from here was being put on website newsletters for VW related stuff.  I then started getting links emailed to me from Bob the VW freak showing me where "I" was posting crap.  Guy needs to get a life.

I realize that I made some tactical errors on this site.  I have posted too much info about myself.  I have posted about my cars, drag racing, and pole barn.  He seemed to have read all my articles and made up a little bio of me.  Pretty psycho stuff. 

Too many weirdos in the world.  I can't imagine being that hung up on a *car*.  Though, this has been interesting....not in a good way...but interesting none the less.

on Jun 06, 2004
damn Karma--that's just plain scary. Sounds like you've done the right thing by deleting--but it's pretty sad isn't it? That you'd have to go to all that trouble and that you'll have to limit the personal information that you divulge (probably a lesson we should all learn!).
on Jun 06, 2004

This is why there needs to be more lawyers in the world, so it'll be easier to sue people like that for invasion of privacy.

on Jun 06, 2004

Yeah, the article wasn't much of an article, anyway, but it must have really struck a nerve with somebody.  All it proves is that there are fruits and nuts no matter where you go!

I have emailed a few of the places that he posted as "KarmaGirl" on.  Hopefully they will remove his insanity.  If not, it's really not a big deal because I doubt that I would use those boards, anyway.  I've never been much for talking about car stuff online. 

on Jun 06, 2004
That is all kinds of wrong! The internet is such a strange, scary bit of the virtual world. I don't know what possesses people to do that. It sort of reminds me of the the world of fandom (I mean, like X-Files, Star Trek, LOTR). I think the internet makes certain, gullible people to latch onto it and live their life in it.
on Jun 06, 2004
This is why there needs to be more lawyers in the world, so it'll be easier to sue people like that for invasion of privacy.

- I am not so sure about that mate...

enough people with common sense and forsight should do the job... more lawyers... hahaha....

on Jun 06, 2004
Doesn't deleting it just encourage him to pull this crap again?
on Jun 06, 2004

i thought it was such a cool idea, ive told people irl about it...and they agreed.

(btw--i dont mean to plug--but im hoping youve seen the lotus exige clip thats linked to my last article. lotus body, celica engine)

on Jun 07, 2004

Doesn't deleting it just encourage him to pull this crap again?

You have to pick your battles in life.  I don't have the energy to deal with this VW fanatic.  However, that does not mean that I will not report my projects after they are done in the future

Kingbee, I haven't had a chance yet to check that out, but I will!

on Jun 07, 2004
cool. the concept reminded me of you and your plans for the kg.
on Jun 07, 2004

Karma, doesn't that kind of vindictive crap just irk the hell out of you?!  One of the reasons I don't use my name or the names of my children, exactly where I live, etc is stalking type crap that has happened in the past via the good old internet.  I really enjoy my anonymity here at JU.  I don't put on a fake persona.  I am who I am.  I just don't offer up any unneccessary info.

Sorry you had to deal with this psycho.  Hopefully you took the fun out of it for him and he will move on.

on Jun 07, 2004

Hopefully you took the fun out of it for him and he will move on.

Yeah, hopefully he'll move on to somebody else.

It's just amazing how crazy people can get.  Since I don't hide my email address here, he had access to emailing me.  I am having thoughts of putting a hotmail account on here as my registered address.  But, on the other hand, this is really the only time that a complete freak has emailed me.

All I can think of right now are those identity theft credit card commercials.  There is some dude standing over his rusting air cooled VW talking in a girls voice and laughing like a nut.

Of course, if I were truly insane, I would find a junked VW and video taking a cut off saw to it then email him the video.  But....I'm not *that* insane......yet. 

on Jun 07, 2004
Of course, if I were truly insane, I would find a junked VW and video taking a cut off saw to it then email him the video. But....I'm not *that* insane......yet.

That's funny.... and sad. I'm sorry to hear of this, and hope that nothing worse comes of this. This is what I meant about being to many FREAKS out there.
on Jun 07, 2004
Weird. Just plain weird. And over VWs no less. Geez.
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