A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on July 8, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Blogging

I want to make something perfectly clear about the forums- they are moderated because they are syndicated.  The admins of this site have the right to decide what will be allowed on the forums because of this.

Articles that we do not feel are appropriate for the forums will be hid.  This is not censorship of your blog, as the article will remain on your blog.  It simply will not show on the forum.

If you don't want moderation, please do not post your article to the forums.

on Jul 08, 2004
When I first came here I didn't post to the forums at all. I still wouldn't except it seems most people only read from the forums. (Personally, I try to avoid them. They are terribly slow on my machine. Whoever made it so we can now edit comments without dropping into the forums -- give them a big kiss for me. Thanks.)

Where all are they syndicated? Just to Stardock's other sites or beyond?
on Jul 08, 2004
They are syndicated all over the place.  We are concerned about what gets syndicated to our other sites, though.  As time goes on, the forums will be syndicated even more, which will make moderation even that much more important.
on Jul 09, 2004
Very enlightening--thanks--and I agree that moderate entries should be the norm, if by immoderate is meant uncouth, outlandish expressions.
on Aug 14, 2004
Pretty new at this.....when creating an article on your own blogging site ie essencay.joeuser.com what determines whether it shows up in the forums or just sits on your site. I created an article and noticed that it was on the forums, which is fine, I'm glad it's there , just want to know what I did to cause that so that if I do decide to create an article that I don't want on the forums, but still want it available to all registered user, I can do that as well.
on Aug 14, 2004
There's a check box on the form you use to submit your articles. It is right below where you type or paste your article and to the right of the "submit blog" button. It says "display this article in the forums as well" and is checked by default. If you don't want your article to appear in the forums, just uncheck the box.