Many of you have probably tried Coke C2. I was impressed with C2, so I decided to try Pepsi Edge, which is Pepsi's low calorie cola.
Let me tell you this- they are not the same. If you like diet Pepsi and just want it a little sweeter, Edge is for you. If you are expecting the same results that C2 has, you will be disappointed. It does not taste like regular Pepsi at all. It tastes like sweetened Diet Pepsi.
On another note: how many different kinds of Pepsi can there be? This is what you have to choose from:
Pepsi Edge
Pepsi One
Diet Pepsi
Pepsi Vanilla
Diet Pepsi Vanilla
Pepsi Twist
Diet Pepsi Twist
Wild Cherry Pepsi
Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi
OK, "Pepsi" seems like a really weird word now after typing it so much LOL