A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
After years of chasing me, it finally caught me
Published on December 5, 2003 By KarmaGirl In Misc
I feel like a slug. Sometimes a cold slug, sometimes a hot slug. i usually don't get this sick. I have an auto-immune disease (Lupus) so my body has an over-reaction to anything that happens to me. Typically, if I do get a cold, it's gone in a couple days. My skin heals too fast (leaving scars) and infections clear fast....that is unless I'm already fighting something- like myself.

The beauty of Lupus is that it sees your own cells as foreign, evil, intruders that must be eradicated. So, you never know when it will happen, or what it will attack. They call these times "flares". My current "flare" is attacking my joints....well, mainly my ankles. It also caused my "alopecia" to flare up and that's why I have bald spots on the top of my head (other article covered that).

So, to add insult to injury, the flu decided to track me down. I tried to ignore it. I acted like it wasn't there for a couple days. Then, last night, I decided to come to terms with it and stay home from work today. (Nothin' better than posting articles and answering email in your pajamas).

This morning I was grateful that I stayed home. I woke up to having my head so stuffy that I couldn't breathe through my nose. This caused me to breath through my mouth....obviously for a long time. It took me half an hour just to un-stick my lips from my teeth. I obviously also slept with my eyes partially open because they were all dried out and puffy. I'm sure I was a picture of beauty when I woke up. Luckily, my husband didn't have to witness any of that.

On the plus side, the fever that I had for the past few days has gone down, and I have hopes of using my nose for breathing again soon. I think I will curl up by the fireplace and sleep the rest of the day....... ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
on Dec 05, 2003
Sorry to hear you have the crud. Hope you are feeling better before any of your holiday get togethers are spoiled. How are hubby and kiddo? I am hoping to avoid the holiday season barf-o-rama that we got a couple of Christmases. We have a cousin to visit that we haven't seen in 7yrs. Last couple of times he was in the same state, either we were sick or the family members he was staying with were.

Drink lots of fluids. That should help keep your lips from sticking to your teeth I know that isn't any fun but it does put a funny picture in my head
on Dec 29, 2003
Sure hope you are feeling better by the new year! Make yourself a hot toddy and relax... GCJ