Unions. Great in the beginning, bad now. Why? It takes the power away from the company to do business as needed. In Brad's article: https://www.joeuser.com/index.asp?AID=33403 he talks about Unions as a reason why companies are outsourcing to other countries. And, I agree completely. It's a huge problem.
I'll take an example that I have been watching very closely- it's where my husband works. He works for a diesel engineering/manufacturing company that is owned by one of the big 3.
Right now, my husbands company is divided. One part (the line workers) are in a Union that is about to strike. The engineering area voted in a Union, but have not gotten a contract yet. So, the line is about to strike because they want more money. They already get about $20 to $25 per hour, and they want more. Now, none of what they do is skilled trade. No education past high school needed. But, because they are in a Union, they get a premium wage and it becomes almost impossible for an employer to fire them because of how many ways that an employee can bring suit against them if they can find some way of claiming wrongful discharge. Without the Union, we are an "at will" state.
So, what is the company thinking of doing?
1) Moving the plant to a State that has a lower cost of living
2) Outsourcing 90% of everything to stay competitive
Why? Because the labor costs so much and they have little control over their workers. Then, on top of it, if they don't agree to some outrageous contract, the workers strike and they lose that productive time (an idle factory still costs a load per day just to exist) until they come to agreement. The picket line also poses a risk to the workers who rightfully can work who are not in the Union. Who wants to cross an angry picket line?
Look what happened when the fuel prices soared. The turn over in truck drivers was swift. A lot of companies with Unions in them lost their bids because they couldn't be competitive. Truck drivers now makes less per hour then they did before. If we aren't careful, this will happen all over the place. Union houses will not be able to compete, so they will start outsourcing.
Another example of a Union gone bad: SBC (was Ameritech aka: the Baby Bell's, like Michigan Bell). They were all Union, which was fine when they were a monopoly. What happened when they were forced to break up their monopoly and let other companies in? They couldn't be competitive. They downsized like mad, then contracted all their work for less than they were paying their employees. Who suffered with that one? The consumer.
So, when you call for support someplace and you get "Anne" in India, just remember that it was Bush's fault that we lost jobs. It has nothing to due with American's wanting too much money for low skilled labor, or that we have to live extravagant lifestyles.
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