A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
A good way to waste time on a Saturday.....
Published on January 12, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Home & Family

My daughter and I usually go grocery shopping together every Saturday. This Saturday was no different, except I also had to go to the bank, pick up a prescription, buy some printer paper, and return some stuff from Christmas. So, it was to be a busy day. After going to the bank, my daughter tells me that she is “starving” and “needs” to go to McDonald’s. I really don’t like McDonald’s food, but I usually get a coffee and watch her play after she picks at her Happy Meal. Of course, I had already had my cup of coffee for the day, so I really didn’t have much to do.

Well, it appears that we timed it just right and ran into “Ronald’s Magic Show”. I had no idea that it was going to be there (and neither did most of the parents that were there). So, my 30 minutes at McDonald’s turned into over an hour.

My daughter said she had a blast. You’d never guess it by her look in this photo, though.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 12, 2004
What a frightening picture... How can you leave your daughter close to that thing....
on Jan 12, 2004
It's Ronald McDonald..... What is frightening about Ronald McDonald? LOL Are you afraid of clowns or something?
on Jan 12, 2004
It's amazing how many times my 6 year old daughter 'needs' to go to McDonalds, too! I've stopped buying my own meal, however, knowing that her Happy Meal goes virtually uneaten before she's off to play in the PlayPit. It's all about the experience of McDonalds, nothing at all about the food.
on Jan 12, 2004
How do you find out about Ronald's Magic show?
on Jan 12, 2004
I don't know how you find out about it. There was a sign on the playroom door. Besides that, I have no idea. You probably can call your local McDonalds and see if they do it or not.
on Jan 12, 2004
My wife use to travel with that stupid clown ~chuckles~. You have to call the corporate office in your district which you can get from any McDonalds store. They will have the schedules for any and all shows in your state.
on Jan 12, 2004
Thanks OccultPizza. My 3yr old is a busy boy and drives me crazy while his brother is in school. It might be a cheap, easy way of occupying him one of these afternoons.
on Jan 19, 2004
Ronald is ugly.....even as clowns go.
on Feb 06, 2004

Deep down, I wish I was a little girl. Having lost my genitals in a farming accident, I'm more than half way there now.

on Feb 06, 2004

here here! deleted_ should be deleted.. either electronically or physically.. poor kid. I feel sort of bad for deleted_. Probably has no friends or maybe he does.. cept none of them are old enough to get in to an R rated movie or tall enough to ride a roller coaster. Oh well.. to bad for you deleted_.

on Feb 06, 2004
It's obvious that he is lying through his teeth, ignore him
on Feb 06, 2004
let him spend time in Jail, he will be fully there then
on Feb 06, 2004
You're all very silly for playing into him
on Feb 06, 2004
Stumpy: I'm lying when I insult someone? So you're saying i'm not insulting them? You're confusing me. Ya... i'm going to go to jail for saying mean things. I hear that's like a class D felony in some states now.

Dark-Star: you're silly. will you be my friend?
on Feb 06, 2004
deleted.... you are a twisted, sick specimen of a human being, not fit to walk the earth, let alone posting in here spouting your filth. You seriously are in dire need of psychiatric help:-||

Go away you freak!
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