A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Don't go into the stores.
Published on October 29, 2003 By KarmaGirl In Home & Family
I would like to start this off with first explaining my stance on Christmas in general. We are not a religious family. My daughter has never been to church, and the last time that I went to church I went with a family friend and that was over 10 years ago. My husband was in grade school the last time he went to church. We got married in a non-religious chapel because we were afraid that we would burst into flames if we tried to get married in a church. So, Christmas is different for us. It's not religious at all. (You can debate the whole "Christmas is Christ's birthday vs. It's Hijacking a pagan holiday" at another time.) For us, Christmas is a time to get together with family, eat too much shrimp on Christmas eve, and wait for Santa to bring our daughter too many gifts. It's just a nice family time that involves baked goods and an overly decorated tree. It's also the time of year that I pull out my great aunt Dorty's chocolate covered cherry recipe, make a bunch of them, then watch my husband eat so many that he gets sick.

But, every year bugs me more and more. Each year Christmas "shopping" starts sooner and sooner. I remember a day when you could actually buy Thanksgiving decorations. Yes, there is actually an important holiday between Halloween and Christmas. This year, I was picking up some Halloween stuff (this was a couple weeks ago- so it was 3 weeks before Halloween) and all the Halloween stuff was 50% off already! Why? Because they needed to make room for the Christmas stuff. Christmas stuff before Halloween? This is getting out of control!

It seems like Christmas is only about gifts and decorating. Maybe if people would spend less time in the stores and more time with their family, they would enjoy the holidays a bit more. I really don't care what people get me, or if they get me anything at all. I prefer that they spend some time with me. I also make most of my gifts. A lot of them have been stained glass crafts. Or, I made soaps and candles one year. I have fun making the gifts, and the person receives something that they know I put effort into. I just wish more people would do the same, because if they did, maybe Turkey day would have a chance again.
on Oct 29, 2003
You'll enjoy x-mas more if you put off starting "the x-mas season" as long as possible. Just because stoares sell x-mas stuff in early fall doesnt mean you have to shop for it.

I ALWAYS wait till the last week. Not really because I put it off, but because I dont even get that "xmas spirit" until about a week or so before hand. I do it this way and I spend one long day at the mall, and then maybe a second trip elsewhere to finish for people i couldnt find gifts in the store.

It's also good if you're able to just chuckle at the people who are all worked up and stressed out while shopping.
on Oct 29, 2003
Move over sliced bread; God bless online shopping.
on Oct 29, 2003
I love Christmas but I do agree that the stores do start too early. The day after Thanksgiving is plenty of time to start the holiday season. And I'm going to be sick of Sleigh Ride the first time I hear it. I usually stop listening to the radio once they start playing Christmas carols and play my own CDs.
on Oct 30, 2003
It's interestinmg you feel stores start Christmas too early. Over here in England there was a major backlash against this. Up to two years ago Christmas decoration would pop up in September with all the stores starting. People got seriously fed up though and last year I didn't hear the first Christmas song till December! This year I still haven't heard a Christmas and no sign of decoratinos yet thankfully! There are some shops beginning to place Christmas gifts and one or two TV ads have started. Boots is the biggest offender and my friends and I have decided not to shop there for the rest of the year in response.

on Nov 10, 2003
I agree, online shopping is the way to go. No hassle at the mall. I think my only trip to the mall will be to sit at the coffee shop, sip a coffee and chuckle at the people stressing out about what to buy for Aunt Bertha. Homemade gifts are the best though. I still subscribe to the "it's the thought that counts" thought and homemade gifts are all thought.