A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
it's a funny thing....
Published on November 10, 2003 By KarmaGirl In Misc
There used to be a time in my life that I spent hours styling my hair.

Now I'm just happy if I have hair.

I'm not too happy right now.......

I have what they term "alopecia areata". It basically means "you go bald and we don't know why". This is the third time that I have lost hair. The first time freaked me out and I was very depressed. The second time wasn't too freaky, but it made me wonder if it would happen again. This time..well...it just pisses me off. I finally got my hair to a style that I liked, and then - poof! Hair started falling out in globs.

It appears that this condition affects almost 2% of the population, which ends up to be about 4 million Americans. There is no treatment or cure, or really any predictability what-so-ever. There is also a list a mile long of possible "triggers". I blame it on cleaning the bathroom. I can't prove that cleaning the bathroom causes it, but I can't disprove it, either, so I think that cleaning the bathroom must now be done by my husband.

Luckily, there is this wonderful invention called a "hat". I use this technology on a daily basis now. Just call me the "hat lady" (which was actually coined by the check out lady while I was buying a hat):

Hats get a 5 coffee cup rating because they cover my balding head

on Nov 10, 2003
That is a nice picture Hat Lady. Did you take it of yourself? I would be depressed if I lost my hair since it is one of the few parts of my body I don't find disgusting. The hat looks nice though.
on Nov 10, 2003
Poor Angie. Oh well, at least you look good in a hat. Otherwise, I would just say, "Poor Angie." in this message and be done with it. Sorry, but at least you have a 12 Mega Pixel camera to console you. *drools*

By the way, I can't wait to start working on your kewl website.
on Nov 10, 2003
"at least you have a 12 Mega Pixel camera to console you"
If I had to choose between hair and that camera, I would choose the camera...... there will be an article shortly about the camera once I quit playing with it long enough to write about it.

"That is a nice picture Hat Lady. Did you take it of yourself?" Thanks. Yep. I used my new Fuji S2 for it then phtoshopped it into submission.

At least I have a lot of hats
on Nov 15, 2003
I think you need a cuter hat; the redeeming factor, however, is that it shows plenty of hair and rather fine hair. [ too fine, is that the problem?]
on Nov 16, 2003
Is that a picture of you?

You look hot!

Your a looker! For some reason I thought you looked... well plain. Don't know why.

ANYway, isn't there some treatment for this? I hope you don't take offense to this but I though Hair Club for Women solved problems like this by implaning hair from other parts of your body on your head.

I hope that helps your situation if you haven't looked into it yet.
on Nov 19, 2003
Thanks, joetheblow, that comment brightened my day! LOL
Unfortunately, hair implants would also fall out. It's not a problem with the hair, it's actually a problem with the immune system. It's an autoimmune disease, so, basically, my body sees my hair cells as foreign cells and goes on a mission to seek and destroy them. The hair grows back after awhile, but I never know when it will fall out again. At least it is winter and there are a lot of hat options. And, at least I'm not totally bald this time because I look really silly bald!
on Jan 05, 2004
Notice how these are comments from your WC companions

Karmagirl, I implentant a search of your (over-imposed) name "Karmagirl" on google, and like, 3 HUNDRED results were displayed (to your relevancy) and...I have to admit, you must spend WAY too much time on the net. You look a pretty decent woman, and photography is a very nice lifestyle choice, but this confuses me, why the hell are you wasting your time being a nerd on the net? what sort of job IS that?? is that really a job? hosting WC and Billion other websites? :-/ or is a habbit of yours? if it is a habbit, you must've spent a long time to become as superiotic as you are on WC, because I know that it takes ages to gain the authority.

I mean...don't take this as an insult or anything, but you seem to... be.... a little to socialised on the net if you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong it's nice to have attention, but to have it online is just a little pathetic.

I hope you do well with your photography etc.

Angie, no offense, but get a life please.
on Feb 06, 2004
You must assume that all the "KarmaGirl" nicks that are used are mine. They are not. I am obviously not a teenaged lesbian. I am a married woman in her 30's. You must live in a shell if you think that only one person uses any particular nick name. (There are also 100's of "Angela Marshall" out there, too)

You obviously also have not been paying too much attention to who I really am. I am the Director Of Operations at Stardock. There is no "hobby" to me being on the net, it's my daytime job. (as it has been for almost 9 years)

If it's not a Stardock related website (or my photography one), then it is not me.

You may want to do a little research before you tell somebody to "get a life". And, don't call me "Angie". That's a nick name that only people who know me use.