There used to be a time in my life that I spent hours styling my hair.
Now I'm just happy if I have hair.
I'm not too happy right now.......
I have what they term "alopecia areata". It basically means "you go bald and we don't know why". This is the third time that I have lost hair. The first time freaked me out and I was very depressed. The second time wasn't too freaky, but it made me wonder if it would happen again. This just pisses me off. I finally got my hair to a style that I liked, and then - poof! Hair started falling out in globs.
It appears that this condition affects almost 2% of the population, which ends up to be about 4 million Americans. There is no treatment or cure, or really any predictability what-so-ever. There is also a list a mile long of possible "triggers". I blame it on cleaning the bathroom. I can't prove that cleaning the bathroom causes it, but I can't disprove it, either, so I think that cleaning the bathroom must now be done by my husband.
Luckily, there is this wonderful invention called a "hat". I use this technology on a daily basis now. Just call me the "hat lady" (which was actually coined by the check out lady while I was buying a hat):
Hats get a 5 coffee cup rating because they cover my balding head