A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
How much does a dog really cost?
Published on November 7, 2003 By KarmaGirl In Home & Family
I have 3 dogs (miniature dachshunds). One of them was diagnosed with cushings disease, and is on expensive medicine for it.

I never really paid attention to how much my pets cost, but it ends up being more than I thought. First, each dog averaged $500 each to buy, so that is $1500. They are an average of 7 years old, and heartworm testing and medicine is $300 a tear for 3 of them, so, that is another $2100. My other dog now has a $70 a month drug need, and we have bought 4 months so far, so that is another $280. If you add up there vaccines, I have paid over $1000 for them. All of them have had their teeth cleaned at least once, which adds up to over $1000. They go through a $29.00 bag of food every 2 months, so they have eaten about $1300 worth of food. I have no idea how many "snacks" they have eaten, but I am sure that it more than food, but we'll say $1000. We had two emergencies (two different dogs at different times) which added up to another $1100. The dog with cushings had a recent vet bill of $350.

7 years with 3 dogs has equaled at least $9500. Wow!..... But, every penny has been worth it!

the dogs still get a 5 coffee cup rating even though they cost so much

on Nov 07, 2003
Indeed. Sometimes the greatest joys of life are the most expensive, such as a pet or a child.
on Nov 12, 2003
Turtles are a great pet for the cheap and lazy (like myself). They eat about 1 $.50 can of food/week until it gets cold (then they dig under ground until they warm up). No grooming, shots, etc. They don't wake you up to go for a walk. They don't puke on your bed (big selling point for me!). They are fun to watch and they live forever if you treat them well.

I love dogs though. I will just visit yours