A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on March 8, 2005 By KarmaGirl In Humor

I got this via email from my hubby.  So, I take no credit and I have no idea where it originated.

Tired of speeding tickets? Want to open up spaces between you and the cars around you?
Step 1. Tie these balloons to your car.
Step 2. Drive VERY FAST.
Step 3. Watch people freak out.
Step 4. Tell the nice officer you thought they were real.

on Mar 08, 2005
on Mar 08, 2005
OMG that is hysterical!! I want some too!
on Mar 08, 2005
hehe...I saw another blogger post this, and thought it was the same thread, and started wondering why my response was deleted...lol. Then I looked at the author.

I want some, too!