A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on March 10, 2005 By KarmaGirl In Home & Family

I know a lot of people who really don't get along with their siblings.  My sister and I have always been close.  I think it has a lot to do with the fact that we are fundamentally similar in our views, but our personalities are very different.

But, to the point of this story.  I have been insanely busy at work.  We're building a new office, and I have been knee deep in planning, furniture, color selections, budgeting, electrical layouts, phone systems, etc. etc. etc.  Building an office building is 50 times as time consuming as building a house.  With a house, the structure itself is your basic concern.  Getting a phone, etc. installed and moving are a pain, but they are a short lived pain.  It's not the same with an office building, it's much different.  This, of course, is just part of my work.  I still have all the rest of the work that comes along with being the Director of Operations.

So, my sweet sister, knowing that I was stressed, brought me a present yesterday.  It was a calming tray.  It was a red lined tray which had a box of dark chocolate covered cookies, a coffee coated candle on a red holder, calming tea, an "itty bitty buddha", a cup that says in chinese "luck" and a book called "Zen Judaism".  If you looked at the tray, it was almost as you were looking at my personality displayed in tangible objects.  Then (like that wasn't enough) she treated me to Sushi for lunch.

One of my favorite parts of the gift is is book.  It's just plain funny, especially if you have views on religion like I do.  Here are examples of "Zen Judaism": "If you meet the buddha on the path, show him the photos of the grandchildren."  and  "Zen is not easy.  It takes effort to attain nothingness.  And, then what do you have?  Bupkes."  and  "Be master of yourself in all things.  This can be used to your advantage at tax time."

The "itty bitty buddha" is pretty funny in itself.  It is a tiny laughing Buddha.  It has it's own 3 point stand to sit on, and the smallest incense and burner that I have ever seen.  It also comes with a tiny book that is supposed to be the "basics" of buddhism....it's like 12 pages long.  LOL

So, needless to say, my sister brightened my day.  And, the book still continues to amuse me.

Thanks, Sis!



on Mar 10, 2005
Sounds like you have a wonderful sister
on Mar 14, 2005
Wow, this was very nice and very thoughtful of your sister to do for you. Aren't siblings just the sweetest, and when you do get along, priceless!
on Mar 15, 2005
It's stuff like this that makes me wish I have a sister. But alas I'm an only child...

Cool book btw.