A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on March 30, 2005 By KarmaGirl In Current Events

I have slowly been going back to being a vegetarian over the past year, and have finally been on it for about 2 months.  I eat a vegetarian diet for health reasons.  However, with doing so, it's hard not to start seeing the ethical side of the meat and fur industry.

This article could be labeled as adult content due to the video that I am about to link to.  It is a video that greatly disturbs me.  It shows an animal being skinned alive for fur. If you have a weak stomach, or get nightmares easily, please do not watch it.  It is implied that it will be used for J.Lo's fur line.  This is the link:


There is no reason for modern man to use fur.  Fur is nothing more than a useless luxury.  Animals are raised specifically for fur and killed in brutal ways before their hide is harvested.  The bodies of these animals are typically not even used for food (unlike cow hide).

But, I have a much wider ethical issue with fur and the mass slaughters in the meat industry.  If people become numb to killing animals in violent ways, or harvesting hides from living animals, is it really that big of a stretch to start doing harmful things to humans?  If a person can club a screaming, helpless animal to death, what keeps them from stepping over the line and doing it to a human? (There is a book called "slaughterhouse" that talks in depth on the meat industry and also talks to some of the people who left the meat industry after being desensitized to the violence. You can read excerpts of the book at: http://www.goveg.com/feat/r-shouse3.html  However, make sure you don't read it when eating or directly after eating.....)

These fur farms are typically not in the US, so we can't exactly enforce any laws.  However, we can stop the need for the farms by simply not buying fur.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 30, 2005
Nothing with at reference to PETA is worth reading.

Enjoy your chosen lifestyle!!! It's great that you are passionate enough about something to speak out, but if you want anyone to respect what you have to say leave that hypocritical bunch of lying terrorists out of it.
on Mar 30, 2005
I take it you dont live in Canada?  Ever wondcer why PETA is not big up there?  Because for warmth and insulation, nothing beats real fur.
on Mar 30, 2005

The link somehow got goobered up.  It should be (copy and paste into browser): 



ParaTed, you are welcome to your opinion.  Just because it is linked through PETA does not mean that it is useless.  I am not a PETA member, and I did not get the link from their site.  A picture is worth a thousand words, maybe you should watch the video.  At least PETA tries to make a difference.   Would you feel better if you read about it at a different site?  Here's another link for you:  http://www.jlodown.com/

Dr. Guy, I lived in Northern Michigan, and have never had to rely on fur to keep warm.  I could take that argument if you lived in the wild without modern conveniences, but not in modern society.  This fur is not being used for warmth, it's being used for fashion and conspicuous consumption. 

Both of you sound like the "typical" reaction that I expected.  It's easier to ignore it than try to fix it.

on Mar 30, 2005
What about the Inuit/Eskimo people? Are you saying that they use fur for fashion? Northern Michigan isn't exactly the North Pole. If you want to get on your high horse maybe you should fire off a few to people like P. Diddy or some of those other hip hop gangsta tripping mofo's. Maybe if you posted say no to fashionable fur...............
on Mar 30, 2005
If animals are slaughtered and their fur is taken for no reason other than to be made into clothes, yes, that's wrong. If they're being skinned alive, that's barbaric. But don't forget where you're getting your information. PETA is one of the worst of the extremist group. They're not above using disinformation and outright propaganda to get people to stop eating meat or using fur. They lie a lot of the time. Bear that in mind.
Other than that, good luck on your lifestyle change; just please don't preach it to those who don't want to hear it.
on Mar 30, 2005
Karma: I didn't watch the video because I'm sensitive to things like that, but I can definitely see where you're coming from.

I tend to be a vegetarian (with a few exceptions) for a couple of reasons...I don't generally enjoy the taste of meat, and it's hard for me to eat it because I am constantly struck by the thought that I am eating a dead animal carcass (and yes, meat-eaters, I realize that that's what we're "supposed" to do, and I can get past it from time to time). It's a personal choice, though, and I don't inflict it on anyone else.

As far as fur goes, I think I would feel the same way were I to try to wear it...

Interesting article.

(Although I have to admit here also that I have a total girl crush on JLO)
on Mar 30, 2005
Both of you sound like the "typical" reaction that I expected. It's easier to ignore it than try to fix it.

My Reaction? All I did was to state what I know from my frozen cousins in the north. I offered no value judgment on it the subject, nor on your views. I respect you, not the link.
on Mar 30, 2005


What about the Inuit/Eskimo people? Are you saying that they use fur for fashion?

No, I am not saying that.  Read it again.  Watch the video.  These are not people who are living in a cold climate doing this.  The Eskimos and Inuits also use fur from animals that they killed for food.

If you want to get on your high horse

I can't even respond to that....I'm laughing too hard.

just please don't preach it to those who don't want to hear it.

Nobody has to read this article nor respond to it. 

So far I have gotten a lot of baseless, angry responses.  Yes, PETA is not the best source.  They are also not the only source.  If people want to believe that this stuff doesn't happen, then fine.  I'm glad that you can sleep at night because this stuff doesn't bother you.  It bothers me, and that's why I write about it.  I don't have to see PETA videos to know that this stuff happens.  I put the video on here as an extreme example.  A very graphic example.

If you don't like PETA, how about some other sources (copy and paste- the "links" keep getting broken so some may not show up)?:

on Mar 30, 2005

My Reaction? All I did was to state what I know from my frozen cousins in the north. I offered no value judgment on it the subject, nor on your views. I respect you, not the link.

I appreciate that.  I have a word for your frozen cousins: Thinsulate

on Mar 30, 2005
Just because it is linked through PETA does not mean that it is useless.

Yes, it does.

At least PETA tries to make a difference.

Yeah, advocating bombings of McDonalds and releasing diseased animals from labs. Yup, one heck of a difference!!

A picture is worth a thousand words,

Oh, so you also approve of anti Abortionists who either show pictures of, or hold up aborted fetuses to make their point?

As I said, enjoy the lifestyle you have chosen, express yourself freely about it. However, if you want to align yourself with terrorists, don't expect me to respect that.
on Mar 30, 2005
ParaTed, why don't you read the other links?  The point is not about PETA, it's about the fur industry.  I could care less what you think about PETA, it doesn't change the cruelty that happens.  If you would rather say that you ignore it all because of PETA, than fine.  Turn a blind eye.  I'm not aligning myself with anyone, I'm not a member of PETA and I don't advocate them.  Read the other links, add something constructive, or please quit commenting because you are adding nothing but hate- and the world already has enough.
on Mar 30, 2005
while on my way to the computer to respond {i read this earlier} I looked at my cats and thought of someone skinning them.... enraged I kicked a peta member {lol j/k} and thought karma goil is right, so I am saying no to all fur {except that one spot mons vernis} heh.
on Mar 30, 2005
I appreciate that. I have a word for your frozen cousins: Thinsulate

I tried to get them to move south, but they like Hockey too much!
on Mar 30, 2005
I can't even respond to that....I'm laughing too hard.

I'm glad, I meant no disrespect to your views. Do you wear leather shoes?
on Mar 30, 2005
Both of you sound like the "typical" reaction that I expected. It's easier to ignore it than try to fix it.

Why should we "fix it" anyway? It's not like it's ~~wrong~~ to eat meat. If you think it is, that's a personal decision. It's not a moral one, as groups like PETA and the Animal Liberation nuts would have us believe.
It's a perspective, and one that I don't personally subscribe to.

Sorry----got off-topic there; I don't agree with using fur, either. Leather is another thing, though....I see it more or less as a by-product of the beef industry. The pelts are made into jackets. They fill my belly and cover my back. Nothing wrong with that, since the whole animal is being used, right?
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