A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Why you should have both
Published on February 19, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Professional Work
There are a lot of people who are scared of having their pictures taken in digital format. Though the Fuji S2 Pro takes fantastic pictures some people will still want film.

Well, if you are like me, you really don't have enough cash to have two set ups. But, if you are like me, you really need it. So, what do you do?

My recommendation is getting the S2 and the N80. Why? Because the S2 is built off the N80 body. That is why all the Nikon accessories work so well on the S2. All your lenses, flashes, etc. will be interchangeable. There is also a great benefit to this- the main controls are all the same location, so you don't have to remember where to set what on each camera.

The N80 body is typically around $300. However, I have seen it on sale in many locations, and found mine one sale in a kit with a 28-100 Nikon lens for $449. Nikon also has their "mountain of savings" going on right now, which you get $50 back on the camera body and $10 back on the lens. Pretty cheap film set up in the end, and the 28-100 lens is what I needed for my S2 (which equates to a 56-200 on it).
on Feb 19, 2004
You got my vote Karmagirl. But if only. S2 Pro is pretty expensive in this neck of the wood. The body alone cost RM8888, which is probably about USD2000. Tell you what though, I have been hustling around with this cheap plastic camera and it works just fine, resolution wise. Canon EOS 300D or Digital Rebel back in the state. Here in North Borneo, the 300D is RM4000, which is about USD1000. Its sensor is 6MP and I just love the battery. A full charge could take me up to 180 images of 6MP before it shows 50% charge gone.

Tell you what, you could take a look at some of my works at http://groups.msn.com/northborneo.Tell me what you think. I am good at listening.
on Feb 20, 2004
That is the same price that the S2 is here. It interpolates to 12megapixels, which is nice for enlargements.

When I get a few minutes, I will check out your website. Thank you for the comments. I enjoy reading about how different people use different cameras (and the features of those different cameras).

The S2 does eat batteries. You can get about 300 pictures out of a set of AA's and about 3500 out of the 123's that it takes. I use rechargeable ProMaster AA's which work out great. Unfortunately, there are not rechargeable 123's.
on Feb 20, 2004
I checked out Mr Rabini's pictures. Very well done! You definitely have an eye for nature photography. Thanks for sharing them.
on Feb 20, 2004
Hans Rabani, those are very nice images. I really liked your use of depth of field, especially in the candid shot of the child.

Have you thought about submitting your work in the photography section on www.deviantart.com? You can upload there and people will give you feedback on your work. My sire there is: http://javabrain.deviantart.com It's currently free.
on Feb 23, 2004
Thanks Karma.
I don't get to see Ansell Adam but I sure love his works. He kinda inspired me, something like to shoot nature, you have to be a part of it. And loving it. Thanks also for the suggestion. Get to it later today. I am looking forward to see and read your next article.
on Mar 07, 2004
Thanks Karma,
I've got an S2 but have also been holding onto my old Canon AE1 film camera for just the reasons you stated. I guess the solution to carrying around 2 setups has been right in front of me the whole time. I'm going to go get me a N80 and sell the AE1.
on Mar 11, 2004
Hey Karmagirl, Im at DevArt too I'll check out your works when I am able to get onto my pc, the one Im using is too slow to view pix. I haven't done much photography yet myself, I have two things on my reward list Photoshop, and a digi cam... really not sure which to go at first : / So I been doing mostly photomanipulation with a "value" program ahhhh it's cheap! lol

My page is over here if you'd like to check it out http://stoodent.deviantart.com/
on Mar 15, 2004

Dave, you won't be disappointed by that setup.  It works *really* well.  It was one of the most logical things that I have ever done.  (I'm usually more of an "impulse" person....but that one I actually thought out )

One Man, I would suggest Photoshop Elements.  It has a ton of tools in it and is only $99.  It also allows you to import filters from regular photoshop (which their are tons available on the net).  It's a great tool for $99.  I'll check out your site when I get a chance.