*note* I know that this is not "Internet" related, but I wanted it to cross post with WC....that, and I'm too lazy to post on both sites. I've been at Stardock for a billion years. With that, I have been able to score a windowed office. This particular office overlooks the pond at the back of the building. I have seen some weird things out there, like groundhogs climbing trees, birds that look like aliens (see: https://forums.joeuser.com/156307 ) and stuff like that. ...
Today marks my 10th year of working at Stardock. It's been 10 crazy years of learning the business and changing the business. When I started, Stardock was *very* new. I spent the first days before I was officially employed helping build furniture. I was the first official employee of Stardock...my how things have changed. I had no idea how much my life would change, or how much Stardock would change over the following 10 years. We started out as an OS/2 ISV. W...
I will try to be as polite as possible with this article, but I must say, I'm a bit ticked off at this point. Please also keep in mind that I work at a software development company and do customer service and tech support. Our products are distributed mainly electronically and we offer subscription services. So, I am not exactly an impatient newbie to this type of stuff. And, going into this, I knew that satellite service was far from perfect......I just didn't realize how far...... I have...
As the holiday shopping season approaches, I a reminded how much I really hate to shop. Yes, it is true, not all females are born with the shopping gene. However, as the years pass, online purchasing has become more and more convenient. You can price shop without having to spend the whole day going from store to store. You can find cheap shipping rates that are less than the sales tax that you pay. And, almost all the store use secure carts, so you feel safer purchasing. After you purcha...