A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
Published on December 20, 2004 By KarmaGirl In Blogging

To be perfectly clear, this is a "personal" blog and is no way related to moderation.

However, being that I moderate, I try to look at issues from every angle that I can, and try to see all view points.

There is a current trend that makes me very sad.  I have very little faith in humans being a kind species to begin with, but lately I have been losing even more faith.

What is going on?  What is with all of the oneupmanship of "he said, she said" around here?  Why are there all of these blogs pointing out what people say and pouring salt in wounds?  Why is there the need to have multiple articles all bashing on the same person?

I don't agree with everyone on here, and I don't expect everyone to agree with me.  However, I also don't expect people to pull me through the mud if they don't agree.  It's just common decency.  Lately, though, I have been seeing more and more of these articles that serve no purpose other than pulling somebody into the mud.

And, I find it a bit hypocritical.  There is a certain ex-JU community member that has his own blog.  He comes here and uses the material here to write stuff on, and people here complain about it.  However, people find it fine to have the same actions on this site.

I don't know what is so wrong with us in todays world.  Why do people find it fun to find faults of other people and publicize them?  I have a harder time every day believing that humanity is moving toward anything good at all.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 21, 2004
KarmaGirl - I liked your article a lot! The recent elections showed this quite a bit with the lies and all. I have come to the conclusion that some people are anti-social in the real world or simply have no interaction for whatever reasons. They make up some character to use online and torture others with their comments to bolster their own self esteem. I find it disturbing how people can make hurtful comments toward another one and think it is fine posting it and wonders why he is getting a warning or whatever. I have no problems at all at my site though it is just starting. I will not tolerate anyone insulting or belittling another member. NeoTech http://neotechgaming.com Games @ Geeks @ Sci-fi - Discussions
on Dec 22, 2004

Actually, I'm starting to think that some of the things that are being said to other bloggers (like the articles made specifically to drag a person through the mud instead of providing new content) should be considered harassment and removed from the forums

I think that's an outstanding idea.  Remove the audience, and you remove the fuel that feeds the fire of hatred and nastiness.  Don't give it any coverage/air time...and hopefully people will stop writing crap like that.


on Dec 22, 2004

Oh no, I think it's much better to just kick people out of a club, a clique, or off a site, KarmaGirl.

That's the solution.


on Dec 22, 2004

People like David St. Hubbins are cowards.  They sit back in their own pathetic sociopathic isolation spreading venom onto the net from the privacy of their own home as a sad effort to compensate for their vast inadequacies in the real world.

And frankly, I just don't have the time or energy to put up with those kinds of people. I don't want to rehibilitate them. Some people I can see giving a second or even third chance to if there seems to be hope. But there are vile little people out there who are so empty inside that they use mechanisms like JoeUser to lash out at others.

People like Hubbins come in two forms - either they are physical cowards who are taking out their own aggression in the virtual world because it's the only place they have the courage to let their inner dickhead come out.  Or they are emotional cowards who, if pissed off enough would actually go out and physically stalk their nemis's because they are too afraid to deal with the personality problems that cause people to despise them. 

In either case, I just don't want those kinds of people here. And that is why we have moderation. Because in the 15 years or so I've been runnign communities, you have to draw the line somewhere or else a place gets totally out of control and everyone but the sociopaths stay.

The whole clique/club thing is a good case in point.  Who cares if a group of bloggers make friends on some community? Does that hurt anyone? No. We all feel isolated from time to time but how we deal with it determines what kind of person we are. 

When I go to neighborhood gettogethers I feel totally isolated as the guys want to sit around talking about fantasy football and the girls want to talk about things they've eaten and clothes they've purchased or whatever.  My response isn't to lash out or hate them but rather to simply look for something else to do. 

By the same token, the psyopaths that lurk around these communities need to get a life and go somewhere else rather than lashing out at those who decide to form their own social sub-communities on-line.

Now that said, you reap what you sew (to borrow a phrase from David St. Hubbins, the exiled ass who keeps lurking on a site that doesn't want him thus demonstrating his own pathetic loneliness for all the world to see).  If you are going to write articles targeting particular users, you have to expect it in return.  If you write an article putting someone down, they will respond. 

Your blog is what you make of it. It gets on my nerves when people turn their own blogs into festering pits of hatred and ugliness and then turn around and blame me or JoeUser or whatever.

on Dec 22, 2004
If you are going to write articles targeting particular users, you have to expect it in return.

What's even worse is these bastards write blogs supposedly coming from me on the SPM site.... I would never lower myself to their depths of patheticness and add my voice to their forums.
on Dec 22, 2004

Wonderfully said, Draginol.  You're awesome.  And you know, you may just change my mind about exile.  I may even need to be exiled. (Not to put any ideas into your head)


on Dec 22, 2004
People like David St. Hubbins are cowards. They sit back in their own pathetic sociopathic isolation spreading venom onto the net from the privacy of their own home as a sad effort to compensate for their vast inadequacies in the real world.

Was there any truth(ier) statement than this?

Now that said, you reap what you sew (to borrow a phrase from David St. Hubbins, the exiled ass who keeps lurking on a site that doesn't want him thus demonstrating his own pathetic loneliness for all the world to see). If you are going to write articles targeting particular users, you have to expect it in return. If you write an article putting someone down, they will respond.

There it is. Truth(ier) statement.

Draginol, I don't always agree with you, but that post... I agree with you completely and totally. I may not be a genius ( my brother's kids is smarter than me. ) but stalking and rest of that activities is simply something really bad thing to do. In few cases, I wonder if they were abused in their homes, so they uses internet to get rid of all that anger. No excuses, however.

on Dec 22, 2004


And that's just the thing, these people that seem to get a vendetta about people on the Internet is, frankly, bizarre.  For all some people know, a given user could just be a scripted program baiting people with randomly chosen trollish responses.  Getting personally upset at this stuff is just incredibly unhealthy.

That's why I find it completely strange for someone who has been exiled to keep lurking using the anonymous functionality of the site. What's more pathetic than hanging out at a community in which you've so burned your bridges that the site admins had to exile your account?

It would be like someone who's been kicked out of a restraunt using their spare time to hang out outside the restraunt looking in and grimacing at the patrons through the window.

on Dec 22, 2004
It would be like someone who's been kicked out of a restraunt using their spare time to hang out outside the restraunt looking in and grimacing at the patrons through the window.

lol great comparrison
on Dec 30, 2004
As far as feuds and side-taking goes, i think most of us here can accept the notion that one can take a stance against a position, action, or idea without taking a stance against another blogger as a whole person. (emphasis on most.)
Bravo!! That's what blogging should be.
on Dec 30, 2004

that was an awesome comparison.  I laughed my butt off.  Though I think I would lurk around if I got kicked off.....*loser*


on Dec 30, 2004
It would be like someone who's been kicked out of a restraunt using their spare time to hang out outside the restraunt looking in and grimacing at the patrons through the window.

Great analogue. It's basically the case of guy feeling down and trying to pull others down so that guy is at same 'level' as others.

I'd rather be climbing and not pulling others down. I'm not perfect on this, but thats something I aspire to do at all times.

Btw, here's great tool for someone thats busy and typies really fast. http://iespell.com/
on Jan 08, 2005
Actually the name 'KarmaGirl' broght me to your blog.
Just read couple of them as of now.
Must say… you seem to be amongst those select few, who expect to witness utopia around.
If so, you not alone, I have been there too. Perhaps, pretty much the same experience.

Then I realized over the period of time, the easiest thing to change is the 'Self' compared to others.
People won't change, but we can definitely change the way we react to the humiliating assaults done on us.

This is not intended to be an advice, just wanted to share some thoughts with ya.

- in peace,
on Jan 09, 2005

Must say… you seem to be amongst those select few, who expect to witness utopia around.

Actually, being that I work at the company that provides this site, I pretty much just want to see people acting like humans should act on here. 

Utopia will never exist, and in my opinion, *can't* exist.  However, I also won't ever back down on my view that people should treat each other with a certain level of decency.  If everyone simply accepts this type of treatment of people, then humanity will be in a very sad state indeed.


on Jan 26, 2005
I am one of those Bad People, I once called myself Maranatha, but now I am Fallen One.
I do not know what came over me, I just wanted to dominate everyone and eveyrything.
I know I was ghastly and evil, and I intend to be a whole lot nicer Blogger here at JoeUser,
If I contributed in any way to you frustration/whatever, I am truly sorry.

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