Happy Holidays! All the staff at Stardock and Wincustomize hope that your holidays are filled with joy, love, and happiness. It's been a great year, and we're looking forward to all the exciting things that 2019 will bring. There are so many awesome holiday customization options on WC, that it's hard to choose which to spotlight! So, I chose just a sampling of what is out there to start you out on the right path to having a colorful and festive desktop. Please sha...
There is an exciting opportunity open for the right person at Stardock. We are in search of a talented person to do QA and testing of our products. This would include everything from Object Desktop to Games to Stardock Design projects. This position is physically at Stardock, so please don't apply unless you are willing to work at the Stardock building, which is in Plymouth, Michigan. The candidate should be somebody who uses our products, understands a wide range of technology...
Winners for KarmaGirl's subscription contest are (in no order): XX for: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=3&SkinID=3071 (the day is one day before the contest started, but I decided to allow it) Z06Leonhart for: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=1&SkinID=3751 and ChasUGC for: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=1&SkinID=3734 To everyone who wanted to enter and did not have time: Please keep submitting...
OK, well, I have always wanted to run my own contest, and I have $60 burning a hole in my pocket to do it with. (OK, so I really don't have a lot of money, but I'm willing to share, and it's Christmas time.........) I have heard many comments about how people want a subscription but don't have any money. They also find it hard to work their way up to a user level that will give them unlimited downloads by "contributing", so here is your chance to win a WC subscription ...
Please follow these steps exactly: While at WinCustomize, open your "edit account" and cross reference your email accounts (SkinBrowser purchase with WC). If you are not sure if this has been done, please do it again. Or, just do it again for the heck of it. After you are done, close WinCustomize and open it again, then close it. Open the WinCustomize Browser. If this does not fix it, please email support@stardock.com and mention that you already tried this fix. **Thanks to MadIc...
It has been brought to my attention (by reading tech support email) that there is a bit of confusion as to where to get the updates for the SkinBrowser when needed. The magical link for product updates is: https://www.stardock.com/support This link is also used to get updates/links for redownload/serial numbers for Stardock products.
This month there has been an Icon contest over at DeviantArt. Here is the deal (as said by Chris Pirillo of LockerGnome): You create five (or more)icons between now and the end of July 2002, upload them to your [FREE]DeviantArt account (under Contests / Axialis Icon Contest), and one of the five judges may pick it. The panel includes: myself (Chris Pirillo) MattEO from: DiviantArt http://www.deviantart.com KarmaGirl from WinCustomize Voodoo from NeoWin http://www.neowin.net and Marc...