Over the weekend I decided that I needed to upgrade my way of touching up photos. I have used trials of Photoshop in the past (which seems to be something they don't do anymore) and I had Photoshop Elements 1.0 from a CD that came with my Wacom Tablet. Now, Photoshop is great. It's got every tool that you can imagine in it. Photoshop Elements 1.0 was "OK" but was really not a very good program. So, I went to the Adobe site to see what the current stuff was that they had. I started lookin...
I spent last weekend in Traverse City Michigan (it's in upper lower peninsula for those not familiar with the area). The reason that we went up there was for my husband's cousins wedding. She asked me to take some pictures for her after the "paid" photographer left (yeah...that's a weird one...but we'll let that one go for now.) Anyway, I took pictures on my digital camera, medium format, 35 mm, and I gave my APS to my MIL since she forgot her camera (I brought it because I thought somebody w...
I've been playing with some images of the wedding that I shot. The couple like "artsy" type stuff, so I decided to take one of my favorite images of the wedding, desaturated it most of the way, then add the sky back in. The thought was that the brilliant sky would bring a happy glow to the picture. This is what turned out: Not exactly a "happy" picture as I wanted. Instead, it looks more like "Dancing Dead". I guess this is the Halloween version of their wedding.
One of the joys of digital photography is being able to manipulate your images. i only started doing digital photography a year ago (when I got my digital camera). As soon as I started doing it, I started seeing the thing that you can easily do in Photoshop that are really difficult, if not impossible, to do in a darkroom. (I went to school for fine art photography, so I have spent my fair share of days in the darkroom). One "fad" effect (and I say this, because i am sure that it will look...
After buying the Kodak 8500, I realized that me digital camera wasn't as good as I thought it was. My old printer was not as sharp, so the details would never be as apparent. Now that I have a really crisp printer, I realize that, though my camera is good, it's not even close to a 35mm quality. So, I started looking around at "Professional" cameras. I like cameras. I would like to have a Medium format digital camera. A medium format digital camera (Which is a digital back for a medium fo...
For about the past year, I have been dreaming of owning a dye sub printer (well, they call then "thermal" printers now, but they are the same thing). I have been printing all my digital photos on a photo quality Epson. I can't knock the Epson, because it has been a pretty good printer. But, all inkjets have their flaws. This is what bothers me about inkjets: 1) They are slow. An 8x10 in photo quality takes about 20 minutes to print. 2) The ink cartridges never run out in sync, and they ar...
There is this this new storage device for digital photographers. It's called "EZDigiMagic" It's a great solution for many photographers. It is basically a CD burner and card reader that has a one button operation to copy the card contents onto a CD. The added bonus is that it is completely dependant and can be powered by an AC adapter or 4 rechargeable AA batteries. (No more taking your laptop to copy files to) So, with this device, you don't need multip...
So, you have an S2 camera (or many of the Nikon camera bodies like the N80) and you wonder why some lenses cost so much, others don't, and which one you should use. Well, There are basically two different types of Nikon lenses: D and G What is the main difference? There is an aperture ring on the D but not on the G. On the G lenses, the camera body sets the aperture, which won't work on cameras that don't have that feature. The G lenses are the same qua...
I own the Fuji S2 Pro digital camera. I really like the camera, but it is not happy with my Sunpack flash. The S2 is built off the Nikon N80 body, which makes it highly compatible with Nikon accessories. So, after some searching on the net, I decided that the SB-800 (which is the latest greatest flash from Nikon) was what I needed. I went to the local camera shop and asked to see the last one that they had. It was love at first sight. This flash is amazing. I think it is actually smar...
I have been shooting with the Fuji S2 Pro digital camera for a few months now. Though it has been an impressive camera, I have been a little disappointed with its focusing. It seemed to either soft focus or miss the object that it should have focused on. At first, I thought that maybe it had some odd aperture issue. I played with it, and nothing changed. I then checked the metering options, nothing made a change. I then played with the auto focus option- still no change. I searched ...
This article is just going to show a couple examples comparing the FinepixS2 to the Sony F707 that I have. Now, the Sony is no slouch when it comes to digital cameras. I have nothing bad to say about it, and I do recommend it for the typical person. However, I plan on using the Finepix for taking pictures of Weddings and Seniors as a little side job that I'm starting. (Hopefully, it will pay for my toys...) The following two examples were shot with no corrections, using the on board flash with t...
I finally got my act together and started a weekend photography business. Since my "toys" cost so much, and so many people ask me to shoot photos for them, I decided that I would start a business. Now, I thought about it a long time and considered the ways of doing it. I also considered what type of photography I like. This is what I decided: 1) it will all be on-site. No studio work. I really don't like studio work 2) I will focus on weddings, because, well, that is where the money is...
I have had my new Fuji Finepix S2 for 4 days now. This camera rocks! My next article on this will show a side by side comparison of pictures taken with my old sony F707 and my new Fuji S2. I will say that I would not recommend this camera to those "photographers" who don't understand aperture and shutter speeds, or who don't understand the importance of ISO speeds. This camera is labeled "Pro" for a reason. You can get "OK" shots with its Automatic settings (You still need to set ...