A silly place filled with caffeine induced ramblings of this person named KarmaGirl....or something.
KarmaGirl's Articles In Blogging » Page 3
May 17, 2005 by KarmaGirl
A few people have figured out that you can go to www.wincustomize.com and create an avatar that will show up on this site.  It is actually a code bug that the programmers have left.  If it is abused, it will go away, however. With that, I need to remind people that you are actually uploading to wincustomize.  With that, you are doing so under the terms of Wincustomize.  One of the terms of use states: "(a) upload, post or otherwise transmit any Content that is unlawful, ...
May 3, 2005 by KarmaGirl
It seems that there are a lot of things that we could do to reduce our need for oil, yet we are slow to change our ways. We all know that we can make fuel out of corn (ethanol) and we *could* have many cars that run on it.  Yes, it is not as efficient, but it is possible.  However, the other day, I found out something that I didn't know- we can make plastic out of corn. I was looking for some unique products for trade show give-aways.  I was looking at travel mugs (mainly be...
April 13, 2005 by KarmaGirl
Every year around this time I look at my life and what I have accomplished.  I try to keep things in perspective.  I hear so many people who only talk about what they haven't done (which I have a huge list of, too) but seem to lose track of what they *have* done. This is the "cliff notes" version of this years evaluation: - Today is my 9th wedding anniversary with the man I adore. - In about 3 weeks I will be 33. - I only have a 2 year degree, but I never let that stan...
February 28, 2005 by KarmaGirl
Back in December, I wrote an article called "I'm Disappointed": http://karmagirl.joeuser.com/index.asp?AID=58691 Well, here I am again with many of the same thoughts.  I will admit that I was guilty of getting a bit into past flame wars.  It's sometimes hard not to when you moderate a site and people send nasty emails to you, and you can't simply walk away from the site for a few days when you moderate.  But, I have mellowed out over the years, especially wher...
December 20, 2004 by KarmaGirl
To be perfectly clear, this is a "personal" blog and is no way related to moderation. However, being that I moderate, I try to look at issues from every angle that I can, and try to see all view points. There is a current trend that makes me very sad.  I have very little faith in humans being a kind species to begin with, but lately I have been losing even more faith. What is going on?  What is with all of the oneupmanship of "he said, she said" around here?  Why are ther...
October 7, 2004 by KarmaGirl
I am starting to see a trend.  A trend that almost always lead to disaster and a huge flame war. This is what happens: Blogger 1 writes something. Blogger 2 responds with something Blogger 1 doesn't like. Blogger 1 Blacklists Blogger 2 Blogger 1 writes the "last word" Blogger 2 starts a new thread in response to the "last word" The flames begin. 1) Let's try to avoid that 2) If you have to respond on a new article, or flames have started on your thread, please take it o...
August 23, 2004 by KarmaGirl
After much consideration, I decided to change my presence on JoeUser.  Why is that?  Because, life is too short to deal with things that you don't have to. So, I would like everyone to meet "JavaBrain".  JavaBrain is a nickname that I used prior to becoming "KarmaGirl".  I quit using it because people always assumed that I was a male Java programmer.  (Java being for coffee, not programming).  Why is JavaBrain now important?  Because JavaBrain is now my admi...
July 8, 2004 by KarmaGirl
I want to make something perfectly clear about the forums- they are moderated because they are syndicated.  The admins of this site have the right to decide what will be allowed on the forums because of this. Articles that we do not feel are appropriate for the forums will be hid.  This is not censorship of your blog, as the article will remain on your blog.  It simply will not show on the forum. If you don't want moderation, please do not post your article to the forums. ...
July 7, 2004 by KarmaGirl
There have been *so* many articles about the current discussions on JU. Breath in......Breath out We have people saying it's "toxic" here but keep posting.  We have people saying they are going to leave.  We have others calling each other "morons".  We have yet others complaining of "censorship" because we moderate the forums in the slightest amount. First, it is a phase.  This is an online community, and like all communities, some neighbors will leave and others wil...
May 31, 2004 by KarmaGirl
I went to our local Memorial Day parade today.  Nothing big or fancy considering that I live in a small town.  However, it did remind me of when my Grandpa was alive.  He was a WWII vet.  I think he would rip somebody's arm off if he saw them burning a flag.  I listened to the speech that was given by a vet that had to be at least 80 years old.  He spoke of truths that we no longer think of.  He spoke of the hundreds of thousands people who died i...
May 19, 2004 by KarmaGirl
[rant] After reading all these articles about the government needs to do this or that.  The government isn't representing "me".  The government is evil, etc.  I just can't believe that everyone expects the government to be everything.  This country must be the most unfair, awful place to live in. Of course, people rather just whine about things being "unfair" than actually *do* something to help themselves.  Instead, they want the government to solve all their prob...
May 6, 2004 by KarmaGirl
I have been trying to give polite suggestions to people to point out things that they say or do that could be seen as breaking JU's rules.  It's funny, some are quite nice and say "I didn't know I did that" while others fight it tooth and nail. If your boss came up to you and said: "The 3rd graph in this report is done wrong.  Please make sure that next weeks report is done correctly."  How would you react?  Would you say: "Wow, I'm sorry.  I will work on that." ...
April 2, 2004 by KarmaGirl
Hope everyone has a great next 4 days.  I am running away to Northern Michigan (where I grew up) to visit my family that I haven't seen in 1 1/2 years.  I'm not even taking my laptop......at least that is what I claim now.... But, I don't have a dial-up account, so I won't be online at all. So, everyone, take care of yourselves, and I'll chat with you on Wednesday!
October 21, 2003 by KarmaGirl
In one of my other articles, I mentioned that I had a bad USB port on my Dell. It was suggested by another member that I call Dell. I said that my PC was over a year old. I was wrong. i received a phone call this afternoon informing me that my warranty does not expire until November 17th. (I knew it was before a major holiday...i thought it was before my daughter's birthday, but it was obviously before Thanksgiving...) Dell is amazing. Of course, they would be more amazing if they sent me...
January 7, 2004 by KarmaGirl
So, I have very little caffeine now. I drink plenty of water. I even have returned to a moderate vegetarian lifestyle. Don't eat late at night, and have increased my exercise. Things seemed to be all going well...... Then, the night before last, the insomnia returned. At 1:30am I was pretty sure I was going to die. I finally fell asleep at 2am only to be woke up by the puppy at 2:30am (she really had to pee...so I had to get up and let her outside). I was then awake until 4ish. Then t...